2005 North/South All-Star Classic

Parent Information


Hotels:  South Team-  Best Western Ocean Sands

                                    1525 South Ocean Blvd.

                                     North Myrtle Beach




              North Team-  Bahama Sands

                                     1321 South Ocean Blvd

                                     North Mytle Beach



These two hotels are giving us great deals on rooms for the North/South wrestlers.  I would strongly urge you to patronize these establishments to show your appreciation for their support for South Carolina wrestling.  The more parents we have stay at these two hotels, the more likely they will continue to help us in years to come.  The rates for rooms at these two hotels will be $49.00 up


Pictures:  Team pictures will be donated.  Each wrestler will receive a team picture.  Individual pictures and action shots will be available for purchase.


Admission:  $6.00 per day or $10 for both days


Programs:  $3.00  If you would like to place an ad for your son. Please fill out the ad form and bring the form, art work and a check payable to SCWCA to the North/South table at the State Tournament.  We will also offer 3 line ads for $10.00 in addition to the ¼, ½ and full page ads.


Concessions:  Available on both days